Wildfire Claims (PG&E)
Our law firm specializes in representing Northern California victims in claims against PG&E for negligently causing fires.
We are seeking damages including wrongful death claims, destroyed homes, lost personal property/possessions and severe pain and suffering associated with losing everything.
We have successfully sued PG&E many times over the last 15 years and are currently representing victims in the Valley Fire (2015), Wine Country Fires (2017), and Camp Fire (2018).
Please select the appropriate link below for more information or contact us at (415) 345-4282 to discuss your claim.
Tubbs Fire Lawsuit vs. PGE
Sonoma County’s Tubbs Fire has topped the list of most destructive wildfires in modern California history after officials on Friday blamed it for destroying at least 5,300 of an estimated 8,400 structures leveled in fires across the state.
Nuns Fire Lawsuit vs. PGE
The Norrbom, Adobe, Partrick, Pythian and Nuns fires (collectively referred to as The Nuns Fire) were part of a series of fires that merged in Sonoma and Napa counties. These fires started in the late-night hours of Oct. 8 and burned a combined total of 56,556 acres, destroying 1355 structures.
Atlas Fire Lawsuit vs. PGE
According to officials, all it took was a spark given the weather conditions on Sunday, October 8th, 2017 (dry, hot and wind gusting up to 60 mph). But what caused the spark?
Camp Fire Lawsuit vs. PG&E
The Camp Fire, which originated east of Chico in Butte County, swept through the cities of Paradise, Concow, Parkhill and Magalia without warning on November 8th, destroying more than 150,000 acres and more than 10,000 homes according to state officials.
We are representing all of our clients on a contingency fee basis (33/40%), which means we are only paid if we win their case against PG&E.
We are also prepared to advance all costs necessary to pursue their claims.
If nothing is recovered, our clients do not owe us anything for our time or the money we spend pursuing their case.
We invite you to contact us for a free consultation at (415) 345-4282 to discuss your claim or fill out the form below.
You are welcome to visit us in our San Francisco office, or if you would prefer, we can handle all the information-intake and paperwork over the phone and via email to get the ball rolling and schedule a time to get together in person down the road when it is more convenient.