The Eaton Fire has quickly become one of the most devastating fires in California history with more than 2,000 homes burned and dozens killed. Having represented 100s of California families in the Tubbs Fire, Valley Fire and Camp Fire over the last 10 years against PG&E after the company’s negligence caused their homes to be lost to wildfire in Northern California (over $14 billion recovered), we are uniquely qualified to represent Southern California families in recovering proper compensation for their devastating losses. We will be on the ground in Los Angeles county, as well as regularly communicating with our clients and the courts via zoom as is customary these days.
Personal Attorney Attention: We also take pride in the fact that our clients only work with attorneys—this is rare in today’s legal landscape where many law firms focus on volume over quality of representation. We don’t hire case managers or paralegals to interface with our clients and work up their claims. We know that you want your Eaton fire lawyer’s time and attention, which is what we provide to our fire victim clients.
Who is Responsible for the Eaton Fire?

Although the cause of the Eaton Fire is still under official investigation by CAL FIRE, our California fire claims lawyers strongly suspect that Southern California Edison, a private utility company providing power to more than 5 million in the Los Angeles area, is to blame for the spark that took lives, homes and businesses in Altadena and the surrounding areas. Preliminary investigation and reporting indicates that the condition and maintenance of Southern California Edison’s power poles, power lines and/or transformers (negligent maintenance) may be to blame for starting the Eaton Fire. Furthermore, it appears as though the power company ignored high wind warnings and opted not to shut off power to the dry and vulnerable area despite such a practice being standard for utility companies in 2025.
Should Southern California Edison’s negligence at fault for the Eaton Fire as our attorneys suspect, the company will be responsible for compensating fire victims for their losses far beyond any claims that would be covered by a victim’s homeowners or renters insurance, assuming they were fortunate enough to have a policy in place at the time of the fire. Uninsured and underinsured fire victims also have claims.
We Are Filing Lawsuits Against Southern California Edison on Behalf Fire Victims
We are experienced California wildfire lawyers that have already successfully represented 100’s of California fire victims in their claims against a utility company over the last decade. We are now pursuing claims for Eaton Fire victims based on our belief that Southern California Edison is likely responsible for the fire and its destruction. Damages for Eaton Fire victims include the wrongful deaths of loved ones, personal property loss, destroyed homes, and severe emotional damages related to these losses.
We are representing all of our clients on a contingency fee basis, which means we are only paid if we win their case against Southern California Edison. We are also prepared to advance all costs necessary to pursue their claims. If nothing is recovered, our clients do not owe us anything for our time or the money we spend pursuing their case. Further, while we will help ensure you recover every penny you are entitled to from your insurance company, we will not take a dime from those proceeds that you are legally entitled to. We invite you to contact us for a free consultation at (415) 345-4282 to discuss your claim or fill out the form below.
Please provide us with your information below and we will contact you promptly.